I meant to post this here a while back, but kinda forgot to. Anyway, on Monday last week I finally submitted my thesis. The title is “The Impact of Representation on the Evolution of Genetic Algorithms.” Now I just need to sit back and wait until the examiners get it, mark it, and probably send me corrections to make prior to it being accepted. I’m going to try for the August graduation, but that is perhaps a bit too hopeful unless the marking happens faster than I expect it will.
Unfortunately, the plans for work I had lined up in the Netherlands didn’t pan out due to the immigration system there making it very difficult for a relatively small company to get a work permit for a foreign employee. As such, I’m still looking for work, although I have enough here to tide me over for as long as I need it. That said, I’m definitely looking to get out of Dunedin, and ideally New Zealand, in the relatively short term. So if you have any ideas, let me know!
For now, I have my regular work, which I’m doing fairly short hours on right now, and a contract job for Naxos (again) upgrading their version of eMusic/J to match their new requirements. It’s good work, and the improvements will flow back into the normal version. It’ll be nice to finally get another release of that out the door, it’s been on something of a hiatus while I finished the thesis.