A few days back I posted this, where I mentioned the lack of wireless access at Christchurch airport. Today, I got a reply saying that they’ll be doing something about that. I’m pleasantly surprised that a company like that (I always think of airports as kinda staid and conservative, that may not actually be the truth) actually monitors ‘blogs, and that they’d take the time to reply.
On the note of wireless, wireless at the conference seems to be a bit intermittent, but I’m not sure if it’s the actual network itself, or my card. I’m suspecting my card more and more. Periodically it seems to just drop out, and to get the drivers to activate it again requires a reboot. It’s a Belkin 54g card, but with a Broadcom chipset and using the bcm43xx drivers. If it’s a real issue, I can try ndiswrapper, but I’d like to not do that if I can get away with it (there is some hope here that someone reading this at the conference will be willing to find me and help me fix it 😉
Wow, that’s impressive.