They’re coming thick and fast now, I’ve just released a new version of eMusic/J.
Here are the changes:
- Added quotes around $@ in launch script to make it work better with some temp file names. If your browser stores files in a location with a space in the path, eMusic/J probably would have had issues opening them. Now it won’t.
- Changed default cover art name for windows and mac to ‘folder.jpg’. Works better on Mac and Windows, iTunes should automatically pick the cover art up now. It still saves as ‘cover.jpg’ on Linux because that seems to work well enough there.
- Cover art filename can be overridden by coverArtFilename option in prefs file. If the above doesn’t suit, you can change it by providing a name in the preferences file (~/.emusicj/emusicj.prop)
- Current download list saves when files are added, this means that the computer crashing won’t lose the current progress. Previously, the current download state was only saved when the program closed. However, if the computer crashed, the in-progress stuff was lost. Now, whenever you add files to download the list is saved, so the worst that’ll happen is that it’ll retry them.
- Added ” and & to the stripped out characters, they may be causing issues on some file systems. I’ve had reports of files repeatedly refusing to save. It may be caused by these characters, so they’re turned to ‘_’. Hopefully that deals with it.