Things have been pretty flat out lately. I’ve gotten myself employed again, for a month or so. Should be good for the pocket money. However, with that I’ve been learning my way around the code for a very large and complex application. This is something that causes mental tiredness after several hours, so I’ve been quite worn out when I’ve been getting home.
Next week is a bit of a chance to regroup however, as I’m not going to be working. In fact, I’m going to be spending the whole week at, which is very handily being held in Dunedin. Looking over the program, there is going to be a lot of very cool stuff happening, and a fair bit that isn’t on the program, also. A few people I know online but have never met are down for it, which should be good.
This is going to mean a slow-down in all the things I should be doing, unfortunately. Finishing up what needs to be done on eMusic/J, and doing more thesis work are probably going to take a back seat for a while.